
Foundation Books/Texts for Inner Yoga

There are four categories of Core Texts that we often talk about in our satsangs, and which are also recommended reading. These texts encompass the orientation of our tradition, including Yoga, Vedanta, and Tantra.

Core Texts (4 categories; 12 books):

#1) Yoga Sutras (the systematic process of Yoga meditation; sometimes called Raja Yoga or Sankhya Yoga). Yoga Sutras specifically points out two major aspects of Yoga practice, Bahir (outer) and Antar (inner). The outer (Bahir) is preparation for the inner (Antar), which leads to direct experience of the eternal center of consciousness, referred to as Purusha in the Yoga Sutras.

#2) Bhagavad Gita: This rendition by Swami Rama emphasizes the self-awareness practices of traditional Yoga, including integration of what is sometimes considered to be Jnana Yoga or Vedanta, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga, all of which are sequential aspects of the same one Yoga taught by Krishna to Arjuna in this symbolic story.

#3) Upanishads All below are by Swami Rama. These all describe contemplative meditation of Yoga, with particular focus on the levels of consciousness and self-awareness mapped out in the Om mantra, as most clearly outlined in the Mandukya Upanishad. Sometimes Upanishads are thought to be Jnana Yoga or Vedanta.

#4) Tantra Emphasizing the subtlest tantra, the totally internal Samaya Tantra of Tripura, the one consciousness dwelling in the three cities of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep; tri=three and pura=city. Tantra is also sometimes referred to as Tantra Yoga.

Complementary to the 12 suggestions above:

Swami Jnaneshvara Books

Swami Jnaneshvara Books (print-on-demand through These links are for printed books:

Swami Rama Books

The links below go to Amazon:

Reference Texts

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